Yay for Monday! I'm looking forward to a short 3 day week and heading up to Bakersfield to spend time with my family for Thanksgiving. We had a great weekend and got a few big items checked off my to do list.
Friday we had Thanksgiving potluck in my office! I didn't take a picture of my plate, but let's just say I cheated a little. My party potatoes turned out great and were a bit hit! :) They were super easy to make also. I'm excited to have them again on Thursday... !
Saturday morning we woke up and both went to work out. I headed to barre at 9:45 and Jeff headed to his morning HIT class that he has been going to on Saturday mornings at Equinox. Then I picked up nekter for us. We have been obsessed with the Tropical Acai bowls there for years now and now I have to get a Health Nut with almond butter every time. SO GOOD. We headed to Irvine to look at cars for him since his lease is up in January. It's something that I have really been wanting to get taken care of since the holidays get so hectic with us traveling. Well, 6 hours later, he came out with a new whip! He ended up getting a black Camry sport. I think it's pretty nice and he really likes it! We got a great deal on it thanks to his aunt working at the Toyota corporate in NYC! We drove back home and picked up pizza and beer to celebrate :)
On Sunday I slept in until 10:45! I woke up just in time to catch some of the Cowboys game with Jeff. He is so superstitious that he barely watched the game because he said that they were doing better when he was on a different channel. Weirdo. But at least they won (finally)!
I got a ton of stuff done around the house and we are planning on packing tomorrow night and hopefully heading up to Bako Wednesday night- depending on whether the grape vine is open! I hope it is! If not, we will have to battle even more traffic by driving on Thanksgiving day.
Have a great week!